Happy Friday 2/9/24

Happy Friday! Any exciting weekend plans? The kids and I are going to make a batch of these natural strawberry conversation heart cookies and finish addressing cards for classmates. Valentines is sure fun to celebrate with kids :) Wising you a lovely weekend!

cookie recipe

Some fun links from the week…

How to make cleaning your new favorite ritual. There’s nothing better than that clean-house feeling IMO.

It’s the interior windows and paneled walls in this Sag Harbour home by Bryan Graybill for me. Every single detail is impeccable!

This week’s long read: a single small map is enough for a lifetime. Thoughts?

The prettiest little kitchen.

This week I had to (re)pick a paint color for the Poplar Bathroom and found the best advice from Rita Konig.

Doing these two happiness habits at the same time is a wellbeing win.

Picked up some new sneakers for Spring and I’m in love!

Working my way through this beautiful novel this week. It’s thoughtful and tragic and, if you can handle some dark bits, it’s such a good read. (amazon affiliate, indiebound)

And another trivia question from our 2nd grader’s puzzle book… What has 4 fingers and one thumb, but is not alive? Did you get it? Garrett and I are about 50/50 on these trivia questions ;)

Have a good one!
