Happy Friday 5/7/21

Happy Friday! And happy early Mother’s Day to all you moms, grandmas, aunties, friends, and care givers who love those children like only you can! We’re celebrating this weekend with my mom and Garrett’s mom and handmade cards from the kids and brunch in the garden if the weather’s good. Have a good one!

crabapple blossoms in our Farmhouse kitchen on www.thegritandpolish.com

art, pendant, vase, stools, + more sources

Here are some fun links from the week…

A thoughtful piece just in time for mother’s day: how adult children affect their mother’s happiness. (Atlantic)

Designer Jason Mowen moved from Sydney to the country in 2019 and created an eclectic and layered home that “celebrates living life at a slower pace”. Swoon! (thedesignfiles)

I’ve been looking for a natural-fiber rug for the boys room that’s not too precious (aka, not too expensive so I won’t freak if/when it gets damaged). And this wool/cotton rug from Studio McGee’s Target line fits the bill perfectly. Their whole line is gorgeous! (target affiliate)

The sweetest! (@mother.ly)

I’ve had the same supper for 10 years.” “I have a routine, just like nature. That extends to what I eat. I’ve had the same supper for 10 years, even on Christmas Day: two pieces of fish, one big onion, an egg, baked beans and a few biscuits at the end.” I’m one of those people who likes to eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch for a couple of months and I find this fascinating! (guardian)

Here’s an idea for Mother’s Day brunch: my Granny Annie’s German Sour Cream Twists. They’re a crowd favorite and the perfect amount of sweet!


Fully embracing this quote from Hannah Carpenter, who’s one of the coolest ladies on Instagram and has one of the coolest homes (designed by @metacoleman): “a messy kitchen, is a happy kitchen.” (@hannahcarpetner)

The case for cozy: Designer Lonika Chande’s family cottage in West London. I’m obsessed! Taking notes on everything, but especially that shelf over the kitchen sink and the layered patterns and color throughout. (remodelista)

Making peace with my quarantine body. (cupofjo)

We’ll be sharing some big exciting things happening at Poplar soon, but in the meantime, here’s all the details on the unlacqured brass faucet and cast iron sink we picked out for the kitchen. They make my heart sing.

We watched ‘The Mitchells vs. The Machines’ last weekend on movie night and I’m pretty sure I loved it even more than the kids did (they liked it too 😉). Highly recommend! Here’s the preview. (youtube)

Have a good weekend!