Happy Friday 6/4/21


Happy Friday! How are you? We’re counting down the days until summer vacation around here and it can’t come too soon! The nice weather, fresh produce, mountain adventures, laundry on the line, dinners outside…we’re ready for ALL of it! In the meantime, we’re spending the weekend gardening and getting the laundry under control and I’m hoping for an early night or two because this book is so good!

Hope you have a good one! Here are some links from the week…

Silvi in the boys room | the Grit and Polish

our boys’ bedroom sources, rug

I feel great about my neck. “It took me to my mid-40s to learn not to depend on anyone else’s approval of my appearance.“ With my 40’s quickly approaching, I’ve been thinking about aging a lot lately and appreciate this outlook! (nytimes)

Love this charming home tour! “The conundrum of the house was to infuse old-world charm into this modern shell in a way that honors what it is.” (domino)

On the menu for lunch this week: avocado slaw!

Why you should wait out the wild housing market. It IS wild, isn’t it? Here’s a little expert: “How wild is the U.S. housing market right now? So wild, half of the houses listed nationwide in April went pending in less than a week. … So wild, a Bethesda, Maryland, resident recently included in her written offer “a pledge to name her first-born child after the seller,” according to the CEO of the realty site Redfin. So wild, she did not get the house.” (atlantic)

What to do with textured walls. We’re currently embracing option 4. (remodelista)

Parents, take a bow. (@cupofjo)

The best grocery store vanilla ice creams ranked. (camillestyles)

In case you needed another reason to get vaccinated…vaccine lotteries! In Washington State at least, you can win up to $1,000,000 just for getting your shots. (seattletimes) Related: what to do if you lose your vaccine card (that’s for Garrett 😬).

The cutest 40th birthday request. (@graybenko)

Have a good weekend!