Happy Friday + Links 9/8/17

Happy Friday!  How is your September shaping up?  It's kinda blowing my mind that Fall is just around the corner, but with the excessive heat and wildfire smoke, I'm almost ready for it.  Leaf piles, sweaters, pumpkins, apple cake...that doesn't sound too bad.  Plus our pear tree is finally producing, so I'm figuring out what to do with those (any suggestions?!).  In the meantime, we're going to squeeze out every last ounce of summer before those leaves start changing! I've been working on Daphne's nursery a bit, here and there.  We have the crib up and I've found a few antiques for her space, but it's far from being done.  I never could find a glider that I loved and was within our price range, so I decided to DIY one.  I'll let you know how that goes...fingers crossed!

We're headed back to the Bryant House this weekend to set up the second bedroom.  Garrett accidentally grabbed the wrong bunk bed frame at Ikea when we were over for our 3 day makeover, and we didn't notice until we went to set up the bed frame.  Ah! so frustrating.  But, it turned out to be a blessing since we have one tenant staying for the entire Fall who would prefer an office, so we'll be returning those bunk beds and putting together a quick office.  We actually happen to have this desk sitting around (we bought it for our first house) so will be using it.  More on the Bryant House Airbnb makeover and all about our experiences with Airbnb next week...

The Grit and Polish - Bryant Bedroom 2 Rocking Chair

Well it's Friday again, so that means that I've scoured the internet and found lots of great links.  Grab a cup of coffee and jump in.

Check out this backyard transformation from the Fauxmartha.  It will certainly have you dreaming of wood-fired pizzas (add that to my Fall 'to do' list!).


source // photo by Aimée Mazzenga

This Chicago brownstone is making me dream about the city...at least for one tiny second ;)  Seriously though, it's soooo pretty!

One of the most interesting and thought-provoking podcasts I've listened to in a long time. I'm again reminded that less is more.

A beautiful attic renovation.

An interactive map for when fall foliage will be blooming around the country.

Andy and Candis have a new old-house-renovation show and it's on Facebook.  Yes, Facebook!  Follow the link in their Instagram profile to watch it.

If we had ended up with bunk beds at Bryant, this roundup would have been super helpful!

Have a great weekend!

