Meet Baby Brooks

THE DEXTER HOUSE Brooks Paul Poshusta Newborn Photo 4 10-12-15

I'm so excited to introduce Brooks Paul Poshusta.

He was born right here at the Dexter House in the wee hours of Friday, October 9th.  8lbs, 10oz and 21.5" long. He came into the world peacefully, born in the water and partially in the caul (his head was born in the bag of waters, a sign of good luck in many cultures), after only 7 hours of labor - thank you baby!  We are so in love and relishing our newborn snuggles.



p.s. One real benefit to Brooks being 9 days late (yes, 9 days! just like his brother) was it gave me the opportunity to read Ina May's  Guide to Childbirth. If you're ever thinking of having a baby, I can't recommend it enough!  That book is a major reason why Brooks birth was such a good experience.   I'm here to tell you that calm labors and deliveries really do exist.

p.p.s. Thanks for all the tips to get labor moving last week!  I think the walk that my sis and I took to the farmers market, a 3-mile round trip, finally got labor moving!

p.p.p.s. I get a lot of questioning looks when I tell people we have our babies at home.  I know home birth isn't for everyone, but it's for us.  Here's an interesting read on out of hospital birth safety and outcomes for mamas and babies if you're interested.