One Piece, Three Ways // Antique Oak Twin Bed

We've been spending a lot of time staging and decorating homes lately (both for sale and as Airbnbs) and it has me thinking about how often we reuse furniture. It's so easy to decorate a home without thinking about where that furniture will end up. If you move, will your original furniture have a place in your new residence? And if not, will you get rid of the old pieces and buy new? It's an expensive proposition.

Over the years, we've moved A TON and found that some pieces are more transferable than others. It seems to be the good-quality, timeless, and interesting pieces that we've re-used from home to home. Today I wanted to look at one of those pieces, an antique twin bed that we've used in 3 of our houses in the past 3 years.

This was Wilder's first "big boy" bed. It's a standard twin size that we found on Craigslist for $450, including the dresser. I can't remember what we actually paid for the set - although I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have spent that much - but they are really heavy, beautifully-detailed pieces and we've gotten a lot of miles out of them. Here are three bedrooms that we've used this bed in.

Dexter House

This bed was originally purchased for the Ravenna House when Wilder outgrew his crib, but made the move to Dexter a short time later. And I'm really glad it did because the black wall ended up being my favorite paint combo with this beautiful bed. Bonus: we used the dresser here too!

Bryant House

The bed and dresser were both stored when we moved from Dexter to our Farmhouse. I originally thought I might use them again if we ever had a third child, but we ended up with a full-size bed when we did Daphne's room. Only when we turned Bryant into an Airbnb did we bring this bed back out.

Ravenna House

When we decided to sell Ravenna, we brought this twin bed in to anchor the kids bedroom.We'll be sharing more of this space (and all of Ravenna) in the coming months, but I will say that I love the whimsical, vintage vibe the bed gives this space.

That's it for this bed, at least for now, but I'd love to hear if you re-use furniture when you move...?