Happy Friday 12/6/19

Happy Friday! How was your week? We’ve been living in a winter wonderland over here in eastern Washington. Snow, fog, hats, mittens, cold noses - the whole nine yards. So of course we had to buy some garlands from Costco and start decorating for the holidays. More on that next week. And hopefully a kitchen reveal too (!!!).

In the meantime, here’s the nine yards I was talking about…


Farmhouse master bedroom / sources here

More from the week…

Buying a home in the middle of winter was the worst thing I ever did - and I’d do it again. (apartment therapy)

An interview with Jessica Helgerson, one of my all-time favorite designers. Loved reading about her experiences and philosophies. Also: there’s eye candy galore in this post! (allsortsof)

Here’s why your grocery bill is so high…and how to lower it. I’m a firm believer in number one! (thefinancialdiet)

Need a good read? I shared 13 books that I’ve read and enjoyed this year (so far!).

Did your brain get cleaned last night? Yes, it’s a real thing and it’s probably why you can’t think straight after a bad night of sleep. Listening to this got me back on my early bedtime! (nprshortwave)

The cutest holiday PJ’s…trees, pink reindeer, blue reindeer, and buffalo check. We got the trees last year (the kids are still wearing them!), and this year they’ll open the reindeer on Christmas Eve. psst: they’re all on major sale this weekend. (jcrew)

This holiday kitchen scene is Christmas perfection. (@theindentitecollective)

Ever wonder what it’s really like to own an Airbnb? “I hear a lot of people say, ‘Oh, I can just throw my place up on Airbnb to make some cash,’ and it drives me crazy! To be a successful Airbnb, it takes a chunk of money upfront and quite a bit of work.” So. true! Loved Jenni’s tips for running a successful Airbnb. (ispydiy)

The perfect dinner for the season! This recipe is on my list of dinners to try this month. (bravojenny)

I’m so exited to see this movie! You too? (youtube)

Garrett made one impulse buy on Cyber Monday…this speaker. This will be our second Sonos at the Farmhouse and I’m pretty excited about it! (amazon)

Have a great weekend!


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