Happy Friday 5/25/23

Happy Friday! And happy Memorial Day Weekend! Any exciting plans for the long weekend? We’re going to roast hotdogs and s’mores in the woods and catch up with dear friends. I can’t wait! Wishing you a lovely weekend.

our Farmhouse pantry - remodel, sources, note roll

Are you sick of seeing lilacs yet? These are the last of our’s and goodness I’m going to miss smelling them all over the house. Lilac season is short but oh-so-sweet!

Some fun links from the week…

I remember reading once that Sandra Bullock thought she’d renovate houses is she wasn’t an actress. Well turns out she’s really good at it.

Rhubarb almond cake. Yummmm

A colorful family home full of vintage pieces and gorgeous fabrics.

Ina inspiration: “Life is about taking a chance and figuring it out along the way.”

PSA Levis is running a big sale! Just ordered these cutoffs.

This patio! Swoon.

Can’t wait to dig into this beautiful coffee-table-ish book all about celebrating the good life, slowly and deliberately. (amazon affiliate, indiebound)

We finished our mudroom! You can see the reveal here.

The new Mission Impossible is coming this summer. Tom Cruise is timeless…but also 60.

A flight attendant’s 12 etiquette rules including ‘never a reason to take off your socks’.

Some advice I got recently from an older woman with the best skin: always put sunscreen on the back of your hands. This sunscreen comes highly recommended!

Hope you have a good one!
