Happy Friday 6/28/24

Happy Friday! How are you? We’ve been taking a little slower pace around here, working on the Poplar Cottage between swim lessons and play dates and bike rides around town. Summer just goes, goes, goes, and we’re trying to dig in our heels and enjoy it. That may mean less renovation progress and fewer blog posts, but you only get so many summer days with your kids at home ;) Wishing you a lovely, slow weekend!

Via, Design: Rachael Gowdridge, Photo: Christopher Horwood

A few fun links from the week…

A Georgian townhouse with the prettiest old floors, a charming kitchen, and how about that marble shower?!

This week’s long read: Welcome to the Millenial Midlife Crisis.

A charming 1,000 square feet in Honolulu. I’ve always imagined myself in a small beach house like this!

Excited to watch the new Lady Jane show this weekend! Here’s the preview and here’s the book that it’s based on.

School’s out and the kids are bored. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

43 summer salad recipes. Don’t mind if I do.

I love graduation speeches. This year’s standout was Roger Ferer’s commencement speech at Dartmouth. Here’s the full version.

The prettiest summer-weight organic cotton quilt. We just swapped our heavy comforter for this one and it’s such a treat to go to bed.

This thoughtully-designed (and modern!) home on Orcas Island is so dreamy.

Read this book last weekend over a 3-day swim meet and I really enjoyed it. It was one of those, I don’t want it to end books. Families are quirky and just the best!

Hope you have a good one!
