Happy Friday 7/5/24

Happy Friday! How was your Fourth of July?! We took a little time in Seattle this week and celebrated the Fourth at our Dexter House with the kids. We stayed up late and watched the fireworks from the roof (the kids were blown away!) and soaked in the city with bike rides and bus rides and walks and good food and card games in the backyard and a Mariner’s Game. Gah! You just can’t beat Seattle in the summer. Wishing you a lovely weekend!

our Dexter House | sheets, charming cotton quilt, vining plant is Wisteria (planted 8-ish years ago)

Some fun links from the week…

Do less. It’s good for you.

Inside Miranda Brooks and Bastient Halard’s dream home (and gardens) in the Cotswolds. Oh my!

I finally took a page from Garrett and started traveling with a pillow. (Is this a middle-age thing?!) Mine has a silk pillowcase on it and I swear it helps with frizz and face creases.

We had the BEST natural lime popsicle at Gas Works Park (shout out to Seattle Pops!) and now we need to make them at home. Thinking of trying this recipe.

Currently ruminating on this article: Is that drink worth it to you? “For those who have two drinks a week, that choice amounts to less than one week of lost life on average, he said. Consume seven alcoholic beverages a week, and that amount goes up to about two and a half months. Those who push five drinks a day or more face the risk of losing, on average, upward of two years.”

"Why I’m done making my home look like a magazine.” Lived in, thoughtful homes with quirky garden gnomes beat over-designed homes every day of the week in my opinion.

Now this looks like a fun train trip! Bookmarking this for when my kids are a little older.

Listened to this lovely novel this week and it transported me to Prince Edward Island (I’ve always wanted to visit!). It’s the perfect summer read.

Hope you have a good one!
