Happy Friday 2/15/19

Happy Friday! Ooooo what a week it’s been. Not only did we get to celebrate Valentine’s Day (which is totally a made-up Hallmark holiday, but I love celebrating it with the kids!), but we had the biggest snowstorm we’ve seen in years. There’s a solid foot of snow at our farmhouse and when our boots haven’t been on, we’ve been cozied up inside, baking bread and drinking all the hot drinks. It’s been a magical winter week!

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our Farmhouse

Well it’s Friday again and I have lots of great links for you. Grab a cup of coffee and dig in!

I’ve loved following the restoration of this 1890 farmhouse on Instagram. Nall farmhouse is going to be a stunner!

Let children get bored again. A good read from the New York Times.

My new everyday sweatshirt…that I’ll literally be wearing everyday. I’m a big fan of Patagonia after hearing Yvon Chouinard explain the company’s commitment to lasting quality on How I Built This.

Garrett and I are both excited to watch this documentary (which comes out later this month). Andrea Bemis’ Dishing up the Dirt (both her blog and cookbook) are amazing and a constant source of dinner inspiration around here.

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our Farmhouse master bedroom // sources here + bedding from The Company Store

Did you catch our 6 essentials for a cozy bed last week? I have to say, this mattress pad has been the single best thing to happen to our bed in years. Garrett jokes that I’m going to take it with us when we travel…and I just might. Anyway, this isn’t sponsored, just wanted to share our life changing acquisition 😉

My heart goes to the Chris and Julia. I can’t even imagine losing a house to fire.

We chatted with the affable hosts of the travel podcast, Gone Trippin, a couple weeks ago and the episode just came out. Ashley and Ren were super fun to connect with and we chatted about Airbnb hosting, traveling with kids, hitting up roadside attractions, and how dinosaurs play a big role in our vacations. Check out the episode below!

Have a great weekend!
