Happy Friday 3/5/21

Happy Friday! This week sure went by in a flash, didn’t it?! Garrett and I made strides on the Poplar Cottage remodel (pretty sure it’s going to be the cutest little house there ever was), spent a day working outside at our Farmhouse, and I celebrated a birthday (39, baby!). There’s nothing like young kids to make an almost-40-year-old woman enjoy the heck out of her birthday ;)


Our Farmhouse pantry, sources here

More from the week…

There’s a better way to parent: less yelling, less praise. “When Michaeleen Doucleff met parents from around the world, she encountered millennia-old methods of raising good kids that made American parenting seem bizarre and ineffective.” I found this fascinating! (Atlantic)

Can we all agree that old school houses make the best homes?! I’m swooning of the colors in this one! (@villaenhorna)

Exercise vs. Diet? What children of the Amazon can teach us about weight gain. My sister sent me this one and I’ve told everyone I’ve come into contact with (which, granted, is like 2 people - and I’m related to them) about it. (nytimes)

This week we sampled 8 popular white paint colors and these were our favorites…

“Make your bed” and 20 other 1-minute habits for a clutter free home. We’re still working on #12 with the kids. (becomingminimalist)

I keep coming back to this small but mighty bathroom over and over again. (remodelista)

Strange news from the housing market: Where have all the houses gone? (nytimes) And holy moly, you’ll never believe the number of people putting offers in on properties, sight unseen. (Redfin)

This bathroom has me falling in love with patterned tile again. (@highstreethomes)

Andie MacDowell on embracing her gray hair. (people)

For the old house junkies out there: The house whisperer. For 50 years Bill Gould has been dismantling and rebuilding historic New England homes. (newengland.com)

Have a great weekend!