How are you Celebrating Valentines Day This Year?


I know, I know, Valentines is a made up, fake holiday (well not exactly, but you know what I mean). And we usually aren’t big celebrators of said fake holiday. But this year…well this year is a little different. The kids haven’t been to school in the better part of a year and Valentines Day is a big deal for them. There’s candy, crafts, and cards exchanged with classmates - what’s not to love?! With those big draws gone this year due to pandemic-mandated virtual school, we’re trying to make the holiday as special at home as possible for our 3 little valentines.


vase, bowl, + Farmhouse kitchen sources

Here are a few things we’re doing this year. And I’d love to hear…how are you celebrating Valentines this year (if you are)?


Okay, baking is basically how I like to show love. I make cakes for birthdays and holidays and any time I can justify it. But for Valentines, I like to make classic sugar cookies (I use this recipe). These cookies have become a bit of a tradition around here and I shared the recipe for naturally-colored buttercream last year (with freeze-dried strawberries!).


Valentines by Mail

Another thing we’re doing to help our kiddos stay connected to friends and family this year is Valentine post cards. Not physically seeing friends has been hard on kids and this seems like an easy way to connect. These Valentines came from here, but homemade ones would be fun too!




Last but not least, we’re planning a game night. We’re probably turn the tunes up, dance a little, and play a couple of board games while eating cookies. Basically my 5-year-old’s dream evening 😉

psst: We shared 6 of our favorite games to play with our kids here.


I’d love to hear…how are you celebrating Valentines this year?