Happy Friday 10/6/23

Happy Friday! Thanks to everyone who came out to the open house last weekend. I can hardly believe it, but the Farmhouse is officially pending. Eeek! The whole listing process (heck the entire last two months) has been crazy and thrilling and a little bittersweet too. We have lots more to share, but for now I wanted to say how thankful we are for you guys. This whole process of renovating old houses is a lot more fun with you in our corner ❤️ Wishing you a lovely weekend.

wallpaper (chalk white), vanity, sconces (aged brass, opal dome), mirror, more sources

Fun links from the week…

Americans say this is the No. 1 most important factor to living a fulfilling life - and it’s not making a lot of money. Doo you agree?

I made this very-addicting fall snack mix last weekend and oh my! it was a hit. I added swapped half of the candy corn for Reeces pieces and didn’t regret it.

Style inspo from Princess Diana. Goes to show you, what is old is new again. Also, I’m into this laid-back style :)

Did you catch our new (old) house tour? Any ideas for a name?

The agony of the school pick up line. “It’s crazy-making and deeply inefficient.” Can you relate? I sure can.

Speaking of drop-offs, my new walking-to-school routine requires some cozy layers and I just bought the cutest (and most-affordable!) cashmere hat in multiple colors!

11 tips for artfully restoring a very old home.

Fall foliage map. We’re going to be at our peak next week!

Need a good book series to get into? This one has all the Fall feels, including witches and magic, and yes, you’ve probably seen the movie but the books are better :)

Have a good one!
