Happy Friday 2/2/24

Happy Friday! And happy Groundhog Day. I have all my fingers and toes crossed that Punxsutawney Phil doesn’t see his shadow because I am oh so ready for Spring! You too? Wishing you a lovely weekend. (Update: Phil did NOT see his shadow this morning and predicted an early Spring!)

Bryce Dallas Howard’s home | photo: Donna Dotan

Some fun links from the week…

How adorable is Bryce Howard’s Wes-Anderson-meets-Jane-Austen New York cottage (shown above)?!

Why having a little hobby is so good for you. Do you have a hobby? I spend a fair bit of enjoyable time on mine: running, reading, and, if you can count feeding your family as a hobby, baking.

I listened to this book while painting the Poplar Cottage this week and it was a page-turner (or the audio book equivalent)! (amazon affiliate, indiebound)

And speaking of paint…we shared all the colors we used at the Farmhouse this week.

This article was quite a lovely read: the comfort rules: interior designers on how to create a comfortable room. “No room can be called perfect unless it has real comfort.”

Salad on a pizza? Yes please!

This card game has been on repeat in our house all week. It’s a favorite with kids and adults alike!

Why you’re better off not borrowing. “The less debt you carry, the happier you’ll be.”

Wowza! The exterior of this home. Nothing beats cedar shake in my un-biased opinion :)

And for you fans of riddles from my 2nd-grader’s puzzle book, here’s another: Name an invention that allows people to see through walls.

Have a good one!
