Help Us Name our New House!

We have a tradition of naming our homes. It’s helpful when you’ve moved as many times as Garrett and I, but also just fun. We’ve had the Farmhouse, Poplar Cottage, the Porch House, Dexter, Ravenna, etc, etc. Usually the names kind of choose themselves - something to do with the neighborhood, style, or a defining characteristic of the house. But this time around, we haven’t settled on a name. So I wanted to enlist your help! Our top 5 names for the new house are below, please vote for your favorite (or give us a new suggestion!).

some context

A little context for the name options... When we first saw the house, we asked our kids for input and we all liked ‘Hill House’ since the house sits atop a hill. But then so many of you mentioned ‘the Haunting of Hill House’, an incredibly scary show on Netflix that I couldn’t even watch 5 minutes of (here’s the trailer). So Hilltop House is another option now ;)

Another idea is ‘Cliff House’, since the house backs to a cliff. Well it’s really more of a steep hill with a small green belt than a cliff you’d be worried about falling over, but you get the idea.

When we first met our neighbors, one of them told us we had moved in just in time for ‘sunset season’, so that’s a name option too. The sunsets have been pretty spectacular!

‘Town House’ was a suggestion by a few of you since we bought this house for the walkability/connectivity of in-town living. It’s a bit confusing since the house isn’t a townhouse style, but I like the sentiment.

Here are a few drone shots Garrett took that’ll give you a sense of the lot and what not.

Excuse the furniture on the front porch ;) And yes, we bought a big trampoline on FBMP as a bit of a bribe to help ensure the move went smoothly for the kids.

Okay here’s the view from the backyard ‘cliff’. This house is definitely up high and it kind of feels like you’re in the treetops :)

Time to vote…

Privately as a family, we’re calling the new house ‘home’. Because that’s what it is to us :) But I’m eager to get a name for the house on here. Thanks for your help!