Our Favorite White Paint Color for Kitchens & Cabinets

We’ve been using the same white paint color for 10 years now. Yup, TEN years! And honestly, we still love it. It’s graced 5 of our kitchen remodels on cabinets, walls, and paneling and I’m sure we’ll use it again. Because it just works.

When it came time to pick a white color for our Farmhouse kitchen remodel, there was no question: Benjamin Moore’s Simply White. And today we’re sharing why we love this color so much, when we like to use white, and the benefit of reusing the same color over and over again.

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clockwise from top left: Ravenna | Bryant | Farmhouse (under renovation) | Ravenna

Benjamin Moore’s Simply White (BM OC-117) is our go-to white paint color. We use it 10 times more often than any other color. Especially in kitchens! Here’s why…

a warm white

Benjamin Moore’s Simply White is a warm white, which means it makes spaces feel cozy and inviting rather than stark and sterile. It changes a bit with the light, absorbing the mood of the day.

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The Grit and Polish - Ravenna Kitchen 1 - Benjamin Moore Simply White.jpg

Ravenna House kitchen / sources here

when is white a good choice?

We’ve used Simply White in all sorts of lighting situations, but it does best with lots of natural light. In fact, white in general is best used in spaces with good natural light. Otherwise it starts to look grungy and dingy. So if your space is in a poorly-lit basement, skip the white and go for something cozier.

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Our Farmhouse kitchen, under renovation

Why use white in a kitchen?

We love using white in kitchens because it lends a sense of calm. Kitchens are usually the rooms we use most and they look it…there’s food and appliances and dishes and people in the space all the time. White helps simplify the equation. Plus it’s classic, generally-liked, and should never go out of style…all important factors when you’re landlords like us.

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The Grit and Polish - Bryant Kitchen 4 - Benjamin Moore Simply White.jpg

Bryant House kitchen, sources here

benefits to sticking with 1 white color

Simply White is the only white color in the homes we own (our Farmhouse + 4 rental properties). And I’m diving deep into landlady territory when I tell you that 1 color is a lot easier to manage than 10. When a wall needs repainted there’s no question what color it is. In fact, you’ll likely to have a can of it on hand. It simplifies landlording and maintenance!

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What’s your favorite white paint color? We’d love to hear!